by Bionou | Oct 3, 2019 | News
Dr. Vicente Navarro with Ana Quirant, researchers from Fisabio, talking about Human Microbiota on the European night of researchers, held on September 27 in the nurseries gardens of Valencia....
by Bionou | Apr 15, 2019 | News
The recognition and the social council of the University of Alicante grants the prize to the patronage of investigation, by the implication in the investigation in collaboration with the own University and the impulse to the young people by means of the figure and the...
by Bionou | Jan 14, 2019 | News
On February 6, during the celebration of the national congress of probiotics and prebiotics, Dr. Vicente Navarro, in a guest conference, will review all aspects of the entero-utoan axis and the influence of the intestinal microbiota on atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and...
by Bionou | Jan 14, 2019 | News
Dr. Navarro speaker in the 7th beneficial Microbes Conference (Amsterdam, 26-28 November 2018) and will review all aspects concerning the skin-gut axis and the advances of his Research Institute at Bioithas, cited at the Scientific Parc of Alicante. University of...
by Bionou | May 7, 2018 | News
All the news of the Catholic University of Murcia. And, this week, we interviewed Dr. Vicente Navarro, Principal Investigator in the MiBioPath group of the UCAM, about different projects he carries out, among them, the treatment of psoriasis through the intestinal...
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